
JetByte provides fixed price programming and consultancy services. We provide expertise in C, C++, C#, COM, .Net, Windows and UNIX. We specialise in the design and implementation of bespoke systems, working closely with our clients throughout the entire project life-cycle.

We have over 25 years’ experience of developing scalable, high performance Windows server systems using The Server Framework, a set of mature C++ libraries that we developed, sell as a product, and provide consultancy for.

Formed in 1997, JetByte is run by Len Holgate who has over 30 years’ development experience and is always very “hands on” in all of our projects. You can find out more about Len here.

At JetByte we have a “No bugs” policy and any bugs that are found in our fixed price custom development projects are fixed for free, no matter how long after delivery you discover them. Ask about our “No bugs” guarantee.

We pride ourselves in delivering on time and within budget and use extensive unit testing to ensure that the code we produce does exactly what we want it to. We prefer to work on a fixed price basis, but are also happy to work on an hourly basis if you prefer.

If you would like to discuss your requirements, please get in touch.