Server Development

Where is the year going...

September already… We’ve spent much of the time since the last Company News update working with our super secretive Online Gaming company to make their product even better. We’ve also been updating The Server Framework’s WebSocket support for a couple of new Server Framework clients and generally improving performance for the 6.5 release of The Server Framework which is due real soon now. In addition we’ve launched the LockExplorer website, but, to be honest, we’ve been too busy with The Server Framework to do all the writing and evangelising that we have planned for the existing LockExplorer tools, let alone finish the more advanced tools.

Fixed-price CLR hosting project

We’re working with VEXIS Systems Inc. again to extend the high performance pluggable server platform that we built for them back in 2008 using The Server Framework. This time around we’re adding to the plugin system within the server so that it can host plugins written in .Net managed code. The server now hosts a instance of the CLR, using The Server Framework’s CLR Hosting Option, and we have built a managed plugin system that integrates with the existing unmanaged system so that now they can write their business logic in either unmanaged code or in a managed language such as C#.

Updating ISO8583 servers

PayPoint has engaged us to update the ISO8583 transaction servers that we have built for them over the years to the latest version of The Server Framework. They’re keen to take advantage of the free updates that you get with The Server Framework but don’t have anyone in house to apply the diffs and adjust the code.

Fixed-price server development for ELTAV

We’ve been engaged to build the initial version of a smart valve monitoring server for Eltav using The Server Framework. Len will kick start their team’s development by putting together a custom server shell which deals with the basics of their requirements and will introduce their developers to The Server Framework’s code.